
This package contains the following seeders in the src/resources/database/seeds folder:

Name Type of Entries Contains
Countries Country All the countries in the World
CountiesOfHungary Province Hungarian counties (megye)
CountiesOfRomania Province Romanian counties (județ)
ProvincesAndRegionsOfBelgium Province Belgian Provinces & Regions (gewest/région)
ProvincesAndTerritoriesOfCanada Province Canadian Provinces & Territories (English)
ProvincesAndTerritoriesOfCanadaFrench Province Canadian Provinces & Territories (French)
ProvincesOfIndonesia Province Provinces, geographical units and regions of Indonesia
ProvincesOfNetherlands Province Provinces of Netherlands (provincie)
StatesAndTerritoriesOfIndia Province Indian States & Union territories
StatesOfGermany Province States of Germany (Bundesland)
StatesOfUsa Province States, DC, territories and military areas of the USA


With Artisan

php artisan db:seed --class="\Konekt\Address\Seeds\Countries"

Adding To Your App's DatabaseSeeder

class DatabaseSeeder extends \Illuminate\Database\Seeder
    public function run()

For more details refer to the seeds section in the Concord docs.

The Countries Seeder

Besides using as a standard Laravel Seeder, the countries seeder can also be used as a standalone class to retrieve the countries of the world.

This standalone usage feature of the countries seeder was added in version 3.4.0

Get All Countries

use Konekt\Address\Seeds\Countries;

// [
//   'AF' => ['id' => 'AF', 'name' => 'Afghanistan', 'phonecode' => 93, 'is_eu_member' => 0],
//   'AL' => ['id' => 'AL', 'name' => 'Albania', 'phonecode' => 355, 'is_eu_member' => 0],
//   'DZ' => ['id' => 'DZ', 'name' => 'Algeria', 'phonecode' => 213, 'is_eu_member' => 0],
//   [...]
// ]

Get A Single Country By Code

// ['id' => 'AS', 'name' => 'American Samoa', 'phonecode' => 1684, 'is_eu_member' => 0]

// Input is case-insensitive:
// ['id' => 'AI', 'name' => 'Anguilla', 'phonecode' => 1264, 'is_eu_member' => 0],

// When no country exists by code, it returns NULL

Provinces Seeders

All province seeders implement the ProvinceSeeder interface, which defines 4 methods.

Country Code of the Seeder

The static getCountryCode() method returns the country for which the seeder contains data.

// 'IN'

The Contained Province Types

The getProvinceTypes() static method returns an array of ProvinceType enum objects, which represents the list of the types of provinces the seeder supplies.

//= [
//    Konekt\Address\Models\ProvinceType {#7780},
//    Konekt\Address\Models\ProvinceType {#7782},
//    Konekt\Address\Models\ProvinceType {#7784},
//    Konekt\Address\Models\ProvinceType {#7775},
//  ]

array_map(fn($t) => $t->value(), StatesOfUsa::getProvinceTypes());
//= [
//    "state",
//    "federal_district",
//    "military",
//    "territory",
//  ]

The Title of the Seeder

The static getName() method returns a human-readable title of the seeder.

//= "States, territories and other districts of the USA"

Running the Seeder

The run() method (non-static) of a seeder is the Laravel-standard method that inserts the records in the appropriate database tables.

Province Seeder Registry

This ProvinceSeeders registry was added in version 3.4.0

Besides using as a standard Laravel Seeder, the various province seeder classes can be used as a standalone utilities to manage the provinces of countries.

For this purpose, the ProvinceSeeders registry class is available. It can be used to list, create and add new province seeders to the system.

Obtain Seeders

To get the list of seeders available use the ids() method:

use \Konekt\Address\Seeds\ProvinceSeeders;

//= [
//    "counties_of_hungary",
//    "counties_of_romania",
//    "provinces_and_regions_of_belgium",
//    "provinces_and_territories_of_canada",
//    "provinces_and_territories_of_canada_french",
//    "provinces_of_indonesia",
//    "provinces_of_netherlands",
//    "states_and_territories_of_india",
//    "states_of_germany",
//    "states_of_usa",
//  ]

To obtain an instance of a given seeder, use the registry's make() method, passing the registered seeder ID:

$belgiumSeeder = ProvinceSeeders::make('provinces_and_regions_of_belgium');
//= Konekt\Address\Seeds\ProvincesAndRegionsOfBelgium {#7788}

// To insert the supplied records:

The choices() method returns a list of key/value pairs, where the key is the seeder ID and the value is the human-readable name of the seeders:

//  "counties_of_hungary" => "Counties of Hungary"
//  "counties_of_romania" => "Counties of Romania"
//  "provinces_and_regions_of_belgium" => "Provinces and Regions of Belgium"
//  "provinces_and_territories_of_canada" => "Provinces and Territories of Canada (English)"
//  "provinces_and_territories_of_canada_french" => "Provinces and Territories of Canada (French)"
//  "provinces_of_indonesia" => "Provinces and Regions of Indonesia"
//  "provinces_of_netherlands" => "Provinces of the Netherlands"
//  "states_and_territories_of_india" => "States and Territories of India"
//  "states_of_germany" => "States of Germany"
//  "states_of_usa" => "States, territories and other districts of the USA"

Seeders of a Country

To get the available province seeders of a country, use the availableSeedersOfCountry() method:

//= [
//    "provinces_of_netherlands" => "Konekt\Address\Seeds\ProvincesOfNetherlands",
//  ]

Be aware that there can be multiple seeders for a single country. As an example, Canada has two seeders, an English and a French one.

//= [
//    "provinces_and_territories_of_canada" => "Konekt\Address\Seeds\ProvincesAndTerritoriesOfCanada",
//    "provinces_and_territories_of_canada_french" => "Konekt\Address\Seeds\ProvincesAndTerritoriesOfCanadaFrench",
//  ]

Extending Province Seeders

This package doesn't come with the provinces of all countries, only offers a limited set of them.

But it is possible to write extensions for specific countries and register them.

A sample custom province seeder class:

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;
use Konekt\Address\Contracts\ProvinceSeeder;
use Konekt\Address\Models\ProvinceType;

class RegionsOfAbsurdistan extends Seeder implements ProvinceSeeder
    use IsProvinceSeeder;

    protected static string $forCountry = 'AB';

    protected static array $provinceTypes = [ProvinceType::REGION]

    public static function getName(): string
        return __('Regions of the Imaginary Absurdistan');

    public function run(): void
        // insert the records here        

To register the seeder, use the following code, most commonly in the package's ServiceProvider or the app's AppServiceProvider class:

public function boot()

Afterward, the province seeder will be available for the country:

// ['regions-of-absurdistan' => 'App\RegionsOfAbsurdistan']

// Create the seeder:
$seeder = ProvinceSeeders::make('regions-of-absurdistan');
// To create the provinces: