
AppShell's authentication completely relies on Laravel Authentication.

Thus there's no additional functionality implemented in this module, all the related routes, controllers, middleware, etc has to be done by the host application (ie. your app).

AppShell only contains very tiny extensions to the stock Laravel authencication system:

  • Additional user table fields
  • Automatic login counter
  • Auth views with AppShell look&feel

Additional User Table Fields

The underlying user module adds the following fields to the user table:

  • type - Konekt\User\Models\UserType
  • is_active - bool
  • last_login_at - datetime
  • login_count - integer

Automatic Login Count

Whenever a login event happens in the system, the UpdateUserLoginData listener will update the last_login_at and login_count fields.

This feature is enabled by default, but can be disabled. If the konekt.app_shell.disable.login_counter configuration value is false, then no counting will happen.

To disable the feature add this to the module config:


'modules' => [
    Konekt\AppShell\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider::class => [
        'disable' => [
            'login_counter' => true

If the module event listener bindings are turned off, login counter will be disabled, independently from the value of disable.login_counter

Auth Views With AppShell Look&Feel

When you run php artisan make:auth in your application, Laravel will generate login, register and password reset views in the resources/views/auth/ folder.

These views have a plain Bootstrap4 look. AppShell provides the very same forms with AppShell look&feel.

To get these views in your app, use this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider='Konekt\\AppShell\\Providers\\ModuleServiceProvider' --tag=auth-views

The command will not overwrite existing files, unless you pass the --force flag to it.

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