
3.x -> 4.0

Group Component Has Been Renamed To Card

Additionally, the component's actionbar slot has been renamed to actions

In v3:


        <a href="/edit">Edit</a>

in v4:

        <a href="/edit">Edit</a>

Registry Classes

The following registry-type classes are now based on Xtend's Registry:

  • Konekt\AppShell\Themes

The getClass static methods of these classes have been renamed to getClassOf.

2.x -> 3.0

Beginning with AppShell 3.0, the minimum requirements are:

  • PHP 8.0+
  • Laravel 9+

Replaced Vue With Alpinejs

The most important change of v3 is that Vue has been replaced with Alpinejs (3.10+). It has several consequences:

  1. You need to add Alpinejs to your application's frontend: npm add [email protected]
  2. You can remove vue from your application if you no longer need it (npm remove vue)
  3. If your AppShell modules contain vue code you may rewrite them for Alpine (usually it is fairly simple)
  4. It's still OK to keep vuejs in your application if you need it

Deprecated The Top Level "app" ID

The 5.x versions of Laravel used to encourage the usage of a top level DOM element in the layout having the id app.

This has been removed from Laravel 6 (at the time of removing "UI" from the framework) but was kept in AppShell v1 and v2. With the removal of Vue from AppShell, no parts of AppShell are relying on an element with this id to be present.

Your application, or external modules may rely on this, therefore the id is kept in AppShell v3, but it's marked as deprecated. The id="app" attribute will be removed from the layout in AppShell v4.

AppShell Theme Changes

The default theme has changed in several visual and functional aspects.

Functional Changes

  1. The scripts section has become a stack and is no longer a section
  2. The scripts section stack has moved before the appshell.js script tag. This is a useful place to push your alpinejs data.
  3. The footer-scripts is stack is still at the bottom, right before the closing </body> tag

Visual Changes


AppShell 2


AppShell 3

To apply the visual changes, rebuild the assets in your application using npm run dev (or whatever your frontend build script is).

Ideal Avatar Size in Lists

Spacings have slightly changed, and the ideal avatar size in table listing has changed from 50px to 44px. If you have modules that have such lists, then you may want to change the avatar size to 44 at those places.

Avatar 44px

1.x -> 2.0

Beginning with AppShell 2.0, the minimum required PHP version is PHP 7.4, minimum Laravel is 6.0.

Make Superuser Command

  • The appshell:super artisan command has been renamed to make:superuser


Due to comprehensive theming support, the layouts have changed, thus you have to replace the followings in your application views:

  1. Change @extends('appshell::layouts.default') to => @extends('appshell::layouts.private')
  2. Change @extends('appshell::layouts.auth') to => @extends('appshell::layouts.public')
  • The getName method in the Theme interface is now static

Color Helper

The semantic_color_to_hex() method has been renamed to theme_color().

It does the same thing, but takes the values from the current theme.


It's not necessary, but if you want your app to use an icon theme other than ZMDI then convert your icons to use the {!! icon('name') !!} syntax in your views.

{{-- Old code --}}
<i class="zmdi zmdi-plus"></i>

{{-- New code, supporting icon themes --}}
{!! icon('+') !!}

If you want your app to support icon themes, then use the ExtendsIconThemes and/or RegistersEnumIcons helper traits:

// app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    use ExtendsIconThemes;

    // Define the $icons property in this structure:
    private array $icons = [
        'projects'  => [
            ZmdiIconTheme::ID        => 'folder-star',
            LineIconsTheme::ID       => 'folder',
            FontAwesomeIconTheme::ID => 'folder-open'
        'worklogs'  => [
            ZmdiIconTheme::ID        => 'collection-text',
            LineIconsTheme::ID       => 'indent-increase',
            FontAwesomeIconTheme::ID => 'receipt'

    public function boot()

Enum Icon Mapping

This was an undocumented feature, so the likelihood you'll stumble upon this is very low.

The service app('appshell.icon') no longer exists, and it's class EnumIconMapper has been converted to a static registry called EnumIcons.

Old code:

        IssueStatus::TODO        => 'circle-o', //with AppShell v1 icon name had to be a ZMDI icon
        IssueStatus::IN_PROGRESS => 'spinner',
        IssueStatus::DONE        => 'check-circle-u'

New code:

        IssueStatus::TODO        => 'todo',    // with AppShell v2, due to Icon Theme support,
        IssueStatus::IN_PROGRESS => 'spinner', // icon name has to be an abstract icon name
        IssueStatus::DONE        => 'check'

Also, the icon names have to be "abstract" icon names and not icon names specific to an icon set like Font Awesome, ZMDI Material Icons, Line Icons, etc.

In blade views you can continue using the enum_icon helper:

@component(theme_widget('card_with_icon'), [
        'icon' => enum_icon($issue->status)

{{-- OR --}}

{!! icon(enum_icon($worklog->state)) !!}

See Icon Themes Section for more details.


The configuration based assets feature has been removed. Hence, entries under the ui.assets AppShell configuration node are no longer detected and injected in the layout.

Use the blade based header and footer include partials in your application instead.

For more details, refer to the Assets Documentation.

UI Data

The $appshell object containing the UI config is no longer an \stdClass object but an instance of \Konekt\AppShell\Ui\UIConfig. You can still use it's properties like $appshell->name or $appshell->url.

ACL & Resource Permissions

The resource name transformation in v1 was inconsistent between the ResourcePermissions class and the ACL middleware in case the resource name consisted of two words like "issueType"/"issue_type".

In such cases the difference was the following:

  • ResourcePermissions gave "list issue_types" for index action, whereas
  • AclMiddleware gave "list issuetypes" for index action.

The mismatch came from the fact that AclMiddleware took the controller class name, removed the Controller suffix and converted the rest of the name to lower case, ie: IssueTypeController -> IssueType -> issuetype.

The ResourcePermissions class has been (unfortunately) widely used in migrations (bad practice). In order to not to break them all, the ResourcePermissions class has been is kept in v2 as-is, but it has been marked as deprecated.

In v2, ResourcePermissions has been replaced with ResoucePermissionMapper interface and its default implementation, the DefaultResourcePermissions class. The ACL middleware is working with the actual implementation of the ResoucePermissionMapper interface and is more consistent.

In case your code is directly using the ResourcePermissions class, replace it:

class SomeClass
    public function someMethod()
        return ResourcePermissions::overrideResourcePlural('taxon', 'taxons');
class SomeClass
    private $resoucePermissions;

    public function __construct(ResoucePermissionMapper $resoucePermissions)
        $this->resoucePermissions = $resoucePermissions;

    public function someMethod()
        $this->resoucePermissions->overrideResourcePlural('taxon', 'taxons');
class SomeClass 
    public function someMethod()
        $resoucePermissions = app(ResoucePermissionMapper::class);
        $resoucePermissions->overrideResourcePlural('taxon', 'taxons');

The resource name transformation for permissions has changed according to the followings:

Original Resource Name V1 Transformation V2 Transformation Compatible
product products products
Product products products
product_type product_types or producttypes product types
productType productTypes or producttypes product types
product-type product-types or producttypes product types
ProductType ProductTypes or producttypes product types

The conventional way of creating resources as of 2.x is:

// Route Definition
Route::resource('product-type', 'ProductTypeController')
    ->parameters(['product-type' => 'productType']);

// Controller action:
public function show (ProductType $productType) {/*...*/}

// Permission:
$user->can('view product types');

Migrate Resource Names

For simple resource names like product, issue or category there's nothing to be done. If you have resources that consists of multiple words like product type, issue_type, etc you have to:

  1. Rename the permissions in the table (create migrations for that!)
  2. Rename the permission names in code occurrences

Example Migration:

class UpdatePermissionsToAppshellV2 extends Migration
    private $permissionsToMigrate = [
        'list issue_types'   => 'list issue types',
        'create issue_types' => 'create issue types',
        'view issue_types'   => 'view issue types',
        'edit issue_types'   => 'edit issue types',
        'delete issue_types' => 'delete issue types',

    public function up()
        foreach ($this->permissionsToMigrate as $old => $new) {
            Permission::findByName($old)->update(['name' => $new]);

    public function down()
        foreach ($this->permissionsToMigrate as $old => $new) {
            Permission::findByName($new)->update(['name' => $old]);

0.9 -> 1.0

AppShell Scripts

AppShell's default html layout after v1.0 looks for the /js/appshell.js script.

Also, beginning with v1.0 it's possible to configure what assets (js/css) to include in the layout.

Previous AppShell version layouts were looking for /js/app.js.

In case you have an existing application on top of AppShell v0.9 then your app's webpack.mix.js most probably compiled appshell.js into the final app.js file.

Example Old (v0.9) Mix File:

.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js')
], 'public/js/app.js')

As a result, AppShell's scripts were included in the final app.js file.

After upgrading to v1.0, you have the following opportunities:

  1. Keep everything in app.js and change the asset config.
  2. Change your app's webpack.mix.js to output the js as appshell.js.
  3. Use the standalone appshell script.
  4. Something else.

Keep app.js And Change Config

This solution is the most backwards compatible, it will actually result in the setup of v0.9.

  1. Leave the app's webpack.mix.js intact.
  2. Modify the config/concord.php file as follows:
'modules' => [
    Konekt\AppShell\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider::class => [
        'ui' => [
            'name' => 'My App',
            'url' => '/admin/product',
            // Add the following 4 lines
            'assets' => [
                'js'  => ['js/app.js'],
                'css' => \Konekt\AppShell\Assets\DefaultAppShellAssets::CSS

Change Mix To Compile To appshell.js

This solution is favorable if you need some code in your app's local resources/js/app.js file.

Modify webpack.mix.js as follows:

// Change the output file name by modifying the
// last parameter of script() method from `app.js` => `appshell.js
], 'public/js/appshell.js') // <- here

AppShell Standalone

Alternatively you can also use new standalone variant of appshell.js. This variant encapsulates all the necessary dependencies.

To do so, change webpack.mix.js as follows:

mix //...
// Add this line:
.js('vendor/konekt/appshell/src/resources/assets/js/appshell.standalone.js', 'public/js/appshell.js')
// Most probably you can delete the following 4 lines, if they're present:
], 'public/js/app.js')

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