composer require konekt/bearer-auth
touch config/concord.php
Edit config/concord.php
and add this content to it:
return [
'modules' => [
Test if all worked well by invoking the command:
php artisan concord:modules
Now you should see this:
| # | Name | Kind | Version | Id | Namespace |
| 1. | Bearer Auth Module | Module | 1.6.0 | konekt.bearer_auth | Konekt\BearerAuth |
Add The Bearer Auth Middleware
To protect your API routes with the Bearer Authentication, you need to
use the BearerTokenRequired
middleware class in the given middleware
namespace App\Http;
class Kernel extends HttpKernel
protected $middlewareGroups = [
// ...
'api' => [
You can use other names than
for the middleware group
Afterwards, add the middleware group to your routes:
Route::middleware(['api'])->group(function () {
// Add your API endpoints here
If you're using the api
middleware group and the default Laravel setup,
then you can simply add your routes to the routes/api.php
file since
the middleware group is already assigned in the
Add The Token Endpoints
If you use the default token routes provided by the package, add the
middleware group to your application's HTTP Kernel:
namespace App\Http;
class Kernel extends HttpKernel
protected $middlewareGroups = [
// ...
'api-auth' => [
Optional: Protect the token endpoints with more strict throttling, eg
Add Exception Handling
Next: Configuration »