Create A Module

Creating An In-app Module

  1. Create the module folder app/Modules/Demo

  2. Create the file app/Modules/Demo/Providers/ModuleServiceProvider.php:

     namespace App\Modules\Demo\Providers;
     use Konekt\Concord\AbstractModuleServiceProvider;
     class ModuleServiceProvider extends AbstractModuleServiceProvider
  3. Create app/Modules/Demo/resources/manifest.php:

     return [
         'name'    => 'Demo App Module',
         'version' => '1.3.9'
  4. Add the module to config/concord.php:

     return [
         'modules' => [

Now if you run the php artisan concord:modules command it shows the newly added module:

| #  | Name             | Kind   | Version | Id   | Namespace         |
| 1. | Demo App Module  | Module | 1.3.9   | demo | App\Modules\Demo  |

Creating An External Module (With Git And Composer)

  1. Init a git repo in an empty folder: git init .

  2. Add composer.json:

         "name": "vendor/mymodule",
         "description": "My Module Rulez",
         "type": "library",
         "require": {
             "php": ">=7.0.0",
             "konekt/concord": ">=0.9.10"
         "autoload": {
             "psr-4": { "Vendor\\MyModule\\": "src/" }
  3. Create the file src/Providers/ModuleServiceProvider.php:

     namespace Vendor\MyModule\Providers;
     use Konekt\Concord\BaseModuleServiceProvider;
     class ModuleServiceProvider extends BaseModuleServiceProvider
  4. Create src/resources/manifest.php:

     return [
        'name'    => 'My Module',
        'version' => '1.0.0'
  5. Commit all the stuff, and publish it (github and packagist if it's open source)

  6. In the host application: composer require vendor/mymodule

  7. Add the module to config/concord.php:

     return [
        'modules' => [

You're done.

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