
Modules should not define routes, boxes are expected to. An App may or may not want to use routes provided by a box. Registering of routes therefore can be enabled in the box config very similarly to views.

return [
    'modules' => [
        Vendor\MyBox\Providers\BoxServiceProvider::class => [
            'routes' => [
                'files'=> ['web', 'api']
            ], // register specific routes
            'routes' => true, // register all routes in the folder (*.php) 
            'routes' => false // don't register any routes

All routes will be included in a route group whose parameters can also be configured:

return [
    'modules' => [
        Vendor\MyBox\Providers\BoxServiceProvider::class => [
            'routes' => [
                'files'     => ['web', 'api'],
                'namespace' => 'Name\\Space\\Here', // Defaults to the module's route namespace
                'prefix'    => 'url_prefix', // Defaults to the module's short name
                'as'        => 'route.prefix.', // default is module's short name and a dot ('.') at the end
                'middleware'=> ['web', 'auth', 'acl'] // defaults to ['web']

Multiple Route Groups

To register routes with different settings (v1.3+):

return [
    'modules' => [
        Vendor\MyBox\Providers\BoxServiceProvider::class => [
            'routes' => [
                    'files'     => ['acl'],
                    'prefix'    => '/admin',
                    'as'        => 'admin.',
                    'middleware'=> ['web', 'auth', 'acl']
                    'files'     => ['nonacl'],
                    'prefix'    => '/admin',
                    'as'        => 'admin.',
                    'middleware'=> ['web', 'auth']

Route Model Bindings

Up until Concord v1.6, all the models that were registered with Concord were automatically bound to the Laravel router by implicitly calling the Route::model() method.


Eg. if your module defines a Product model, then Concord calls Route::model('product', Product::class) upon registering the model.

As of v1.7.0 this behavior can be disabled, by setting the register_route_models configuration to false in your app's config/concord.php file:

// config/concord.php
return [
    'register_route_models' => false,
    'modules' => [
        // list of modules here...        

This will prevent Concord from automatically registering models with the router.

Next: Resources »