
You can configure the behavior of each menu separately by passing an array of settings when creating a menu:

Menu::create('menu', [
    'auto_activate'    => false,
    'activate_parents' => true,
    'active_class'     => 'active',
    'active_element'   => 'item',    // item|link
    'share'            => 'myMenu'   // Will be available as `$myMenu` in all blade files (uses `View::share()`)


Option Type Default Meaning
auto_activate bool true Menu items with matching pattern (see activateOnUrls() will automatically be set as active based on the current requests URI
activate_parents bool true All the parents of an active item will also be set as active when enabled.
active_class string 'active' The CSS class name to apply for active items
active_element string 'link' ['link' or 'item'] Determines which HTML element needs to be marked as "active"
cascade_data bool false If true, then setting a metadata on an item will automatically be copied to all its children as well
share bool|string false Whether to share with all Blade views as a variable. If true the menu will be shared by its name. If a string is passed, then that will be the name of the variable

Sharing Explained

It is possible to automatically make the menu available across all application views by passing the share option:

Menu::create('sidebar', ['share' => true]); // will be $sidebar in views
Menu::create('main-menu', ['share' => 'mainMenu']); // will be $mainMenu in views

The underlying code will invoke Laravel's View::share() method.

As a result, in a blade view you can:

{{-- Render with the built in 'ul' renderer --}}
{!! $mainMenu->render('ul') !!}

{{--Or render items manually--}}
    @foreach($mainMenu->items as $item)
        <div class="nav-link><a href="{{ $item->url }}">{{ $item->title }}</a></div>