You can configure the behavior of each menu separately by passing an array of settings when creating a menu:
Menu::create('menu', [
'auto_activate' => false,
'activate_parents' => true,
'active_class' => 'active',
'active_element' => 'item', // item|link
'share' => 'myMenu' // Will be available as `$myMenu` in all blade files (uses `View::share()`)
Option | Type | Default | Meaning |
auto_activate | bool | true | Menu items with matching pattern (see activateOnUrls() will automatically be set as active based on the current requests URI |
activate_parents | bool | true | All the parents of an active item will also be set as active when enabled. |
active_class | string | 'active' | The CSS class name to apply for active items |
active_element | string | 'link' | ['link' or 'item'] Determines which HTML element needs to be marked as "active" |
cascade_data | bool | false | If true, then setting a metadata on an item will automatically be copied to all its children as well |
share | bool|string | false | Whether to share with all Blade views as a variable. If true the menu will be shared by its name. If a string is passed, then that will be the name of the variable |
Sharing Explained
It is possible to automatically make the menu available across all application views by passing the share
Menu::create('sidebar', ['share' => true]); // will be $sidebar in views
Menu::create('main-menu', ['share' => 'mainMenu']); // will be $mainMenu in views
The underlying code will invoke Laravel's
As a result, in a blade view you can:
{{-- Render with the built in 'ul' renderer --}}
{!! $mainMenu->render('ul') !!}
{{--Or render items manually--}}
@foreach($mainMenu->items as $item)
<div class="nav-link><a href="{{ $item->url }}">{{ $item->title }}</a></div>