User Related Events

The user module fires the following events:

  • UserWasCreated
  • UserWasActivated
  • UserWasInactivated
  • UserWasDeleted

All these events are implementing the UserEvent interface, ie. they have the getUser() method:

public function getUser() : \Konekt\User\Contracts\User;

Invitation Related Events

  • UserInvitationCreated
  • UserIsBeingCreatedFromInvitation
  • UserInvitationUtilized

The first event only gets fired if the invitation is created with the createInvitation factory method, ie. there are no lifecycle event hooks.

The second event gets fired if the Invitation::createUser() gets invoked.

These two events implement the InvitationEvent interface that can return the invitation object:


When the UserInvitationCreated gets fired, the user does not yet exist.

UserIsBeingCreatedFromInvitation and UserInvitationUtilized events happen once a user is created from the invitation, therefore these events also implement the UserEvent interface, and the created/creating user can be obtained:

$userInvitationUtilizedEvent->getInvitation(); // The invitation
$userInvitationUtilizedEvent->getUser(); // The user that has been/being created from the invitation

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