Customizing The Admin UI

The user interface was built on top of the Bootstrap 4.0 variant of CoreUI.

The SASS files can be found in the src/resources/assets/sass/ folder, and the javascript files are in the src/resources/assets/js/ folder (under vendor/konekt/appshell).

Modify The Assets Of The Layout

The application author has complete control over what js and css files are included in the default AppShell layout. This can be done by setting asset URLs in the module configuration.

'modules' => [
    Konekt\AppShell\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider::class => [
        'ui' => [
            'assets' => [
                'js'  => ['/js/my.js', '//'],
                'css' => [
                    // You can specify attributes for the generated html tag:
                    '' => [
                        'integrity'   => 'sha256-3sPp8BkKUE7QyPSl6VfBByBroQbKxKG7tsusY2mhbVY=',
                        'crossorigin' => 'anonymous'
    // ...

AppShell's default css/js assets can be found in the Konekt\AppShell\Assets\DefaultAppShellAssets class.

Using A Custom Asset URL Function

Available from v1.2.0

The asset URLs in the layout (js, css) by default are being passed through the Laravel asset() helper function.

You can override this for each asset individually by passing a PHP function name in the assetFunction attribute:

'modules' => [
    Konekt\AppShell\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider::class => [
        'assets' => [
            'js'  => [
                '/js/my.js' => [
                    'assetFunction' => 'mix' // Use mix() instead of asset()

Determine Asset Location (Header or Footer)

Available from v1.3.0

By default scripts are being rendered at the bottom of HTML, before the closing </body> tag. CSS stylesheets are added to the top by default, in the <head> section.

You can explicitly specify the rendering location by adding '_location' => 'header or '_location' => 'footer' in the asset config:

'modules' => [
    Konekt\AppShell\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider::class => [
        'assets' => [
            'js'  => [
                '/js/myheadscript.js' => [
                    '_location' => 'header'
            'css' => [
                'myfooterstyle.css' => [
                    '_location' => 'footer'

Customizing The Existing CSS

Read the Laravel Mix Documentation for more details about managing frontend assets in your application.

Additional Application Styles

In case you want use the default AppShell stylesheet, and add moderate customizations to it, you can modify the build script in your application (mostly webpack + laravel mix).


// webpack.mix.js
mix.js('resources/assets/js/app.js', 'public/js')
        'public/js/app.js', // Your app's JS
    ], 'public/js/app.js')
    .sass('vendor/konekt/appshell/src/resources/assets/sass/appshell.sass', 'public/css') // use the default CSS
    .sass('resources/assets/sass/app.sass', 'public/css'); // Your app's SASS

Add the extra CSS to the layout:

use Konekt\AppShell\Assets\DefaultAppShellAssets;

return [
    'modules' => [
        Konekt\AppShell\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider::class => [
            'ui' => [
                'name'   => 'My App',
                'url'    => '/admin/dashboard',
                'assets' => [
                    'js' => DefaultAppShellAssets::JS,
                    'css'=> array_merge(DefaultAppShellAssets::CSS, ['/css/app.css'])
        // ...

Taking Over The Sass Files

Another approach is to copy all the sass files from the vendor/konekt/appshell/src/resources/assets/sass/ folder to your application's resources/assets/sass/ folder and modify them freely.


// webpack.mix.js
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
   .sass('resources/sass/appshell.sass', 'public/css');

In this example, the output folder of appshell.css file is unchanged, thus no change is needed in the asset configuration.

Using A Completely Different CSS

It is also possible to not use the default stylesheets at all, but use any other Bootstrap 4 compatible CSS.

See Modify The Assets Of The Layout above.

Next: Extending »