Defining Settings

Settings are identified by a key (string) and need to be registered first in order to be used:

/** @var \Konekt\Gears\Registry\SettingsRegistry $settingsRegistry */
$settingsRegistry = app('gears.settings_registry');


The recommended place to register settings is your application's AppServiceProvider::boot() method.

Setting Defaults

It is possible to define a default value for a setting:

use \Konekt\Gears\Defaults\SimpleSetting;
/** @var \Konekt\Gears\Registry\SettingsRegistry $settingsRegistry */
$settingsRegistry = app('gears.settings_registry');

// Set default value to true:
$settingsRegistry->add(new SimpleSetting('use_annotations', true));
// Set default value to '/dashboard'
$settingsRegistry->add(new SimpleSetting('start_url', '/dashboard'));

Possible Options

You can also set a list of possible options (useful for dropdowns):

use \Konekt\Gears\Defaults\SimpleSetting;
/** @var \Konekt\Gears\Registry\SettingsRegistry $settingsRegistry */
$settingsRegistry = app('gears.settings_registry');

// Default theme is dark, available options are dark and light
$settingsRegistry->add(new SimpleSetting('theme', 'dark', ['dark', 'light']));

Custom Setting Classes

In case you setting incorporates some custom logic you can define a custom class and register it as a setting. The custom class must implement the Konekt\Gears\Contracts\Setting interface.

namespace App\Settings;

class CustomSetting implements \Konekt\Gears\Contracts\Setting
    public function key()
        return 'custom_setting_key';

    public function default()
        return 'Default';

    // Whether the access to the setting is allowed (eg. for the current user)
    public function isAllowed()
        return true;

    // Use for dropdowns, radio buttons, etc
    public function options()
        return ['Default', 'Custom'];

    // Whether to synchronize the setting with Laravel Configuration
    public function syncWithConfig()
        return false;

Register it:

$settingsRegistry->add(new \App\Settings\CustomSetting());

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