Custom Backend

The Settings Backend defines how the settings are persisted/retrieved.

The default Backend of the library saves settings to the database (settings and preferences tables) and caches with your application's configured cache.

To replace the backend the following steps are required:

  1. Writing the custom backend class (has to implement the Backend interface).
  2. Set the fully qualified classname in the config under the gears.driver value.

Custom Backend Example

namespace App\Settings;

use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use Konekt\Gears\Contracts\Backend;

class CustomBackend implements Backend
    public function allSettings(): Collection
        // Returns all the saved settings in a Collection, where
        // the settings' names are the keys, and their values
        // are the respective values of the saved settings

    public function allPreferences($userId): Collection
        // Returns all the saved preferences for a given user
        // in a Collection, where the prefs' names are the
        // keys, and values are the user's saved prefs.        

    public function getSetting(string $key)
        // Returns the value for a specific setting identified by the key

    public function getPreference($key, $userId)
        // Returns the value for a specific preference
        // identified by the key, for the user that
        // is identified by the user id argument        

    public function setSetting($key, $value)
        // Save the value for a setting identified by the key

    public function setPreference($key, $value, $userId)
        // Save the value for a specific preference (key)
        // for a specific user, based on the user id.

    public function setSettings(array $settings)
        // Save the values of multiple settings at once,
        // where the settings array contains a set of
        // key/value pairs, keys are setting names

    public function setPreferences(array $preferences, $userId)
        // Set the values of multiple preferences for a given
        // user at once, where the preferences array holds
        // a set of key/value pairs; pref names as keys

    public function removeSetting($key)
        // Delete the value for a specific setting identified by the key        

    public function removePreference($key, $userId)
        // Delete the value for a specific
        // preference identified by the
        // key, for the given userid

    public function removeSettings(array $keys)
        // Delete values of multiple settings
        // at once where setting names are
        // the in the given keys array.

    public function removePreferences(array $keys, $userId)
        // Delete values of multiple preferences for a
        // given user at once, where the preference
        // names are the in the given keys array

For inspiration study the Konekt\Gears\Backend\Drivers\Database and Konekt\Gears\Backend\Drivers\CachedDatabase classes.

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