History Usage with Eloquent Models

You can use any existing eloquent model with this package without any modification on them.

Record Events

To record the created event use the History::begin() method:

use App\Models\Project;
use Konekt\History\History;

$project = Project::create(['name' => 'Giga Project', 'category' => 'Construction']);

Record updates can be stored as well:

use Konekt\History\History;

$project->update(['category' => 'Investment']);

If you also would like to store the old values of the fields, use the logUpdate() method:

use Konekt\History\History;

$before = $project->getAttributes();

History::logUpdate($project, $before);

It is also possible to add comments to the events:

use Konekt\History\History;

$project = Project::create(['name' => 'Giga Project', 'category' => 'Construction']);
History::begin($project, 'Belated creation from Q3');

$project->update(['category' => 'Investment']);
History::logRecentUpdate($project, "Reclassified as per the CEO's request");

Comment only entries can be added:

History::addComment($project, 'Expiry in 10 days');

Model deletion can be logged as well:


Retrieve History Events

To get the list of event of a model use the following code:

use App\Models\Project;
use Konekt\History\History;
use Konekt\History\Models\ModelHistoryEvent;

$project = Project::find(1);
$history = History::of($project)->get();

/** @var ModelHistoryEvent $modelEvent */
foreach ($history as $modelEvent) {
    echo $modelEvent->happened_at;
    // 2023-11-14 19:31:47
    echo $modelEvent->ip_address;
    echo $modelEvent->operation;
    // create
    echo $modelEvent->scene;
    // http://app.url/admin/project/1/update
    echo $modelEvent->via
    // web
    echo $modelEvent->user
    // App\User:2
    echo $modelEvent->comment
    // I am an optional comment
    echo $modelEvent->diff()->changedFields()
    // array

By default, events are returned so that the newest events are on the top. If you'd like to have them in a chronological order pass false to the get method:

\Konekt\History\History::of($model)->get(latestOnTop: false);

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