
1.x -> 2.x

The new minimal requirements are:

  • PHP 7.3+
  • Laravel 6+

Enum Upgrade to V3

The address module has upgraded its enum dependency from v2 to v3. This means that all the __default constants have been renamed to __DEFAULT (value unchanged).

Affected classes:

  • AddressType
  • NameOrder
  • ProvinceType

All your enums must be upgraded to v3. This way the codebase fully complies with the PSR-1 standard.

This is a breaking change, so you have to check your codebase for enums that have __default constants defined and rename them to __DEFAULT.

Interface Changes


The Address interface has 2 new methods. If you implemented your own variant of this model, make sure these methods are there, and have this signature:

public function country(): BelongsTo;
public function province(): BelongsTo;


The Country interface has a new method. If you implemented your own variant of this model, make sure the new method is there, and has this signature:

public function provinces(): HasMany;


The string return type declaration has been added to the Person interface's getFullName method:

public function getFullName(): string;

If you implemented your own variant of this model, make sure the method signature matches the new definition.