Using Custom Models

AppShell imports several Models (entities) from underlying components like Address or Customer.

To see the available models use the following command:

php artisan concord:models

| Entity        | Contract                                  | Model                                  |
| Address       | Konekt\Address\Contracts\Address          | Konekt\AppShell\Models\Address        |
| Customer      | Konekt\Customer\Contracts\Customer        | Konekt\Customer\Models\Customer       |
| Organization  | Konekt\Address\Contracts\Organization     | Konekt\Address\Models\Organization     |
| Permission    | Konekt\Acl\Contracts\Permission           | Konekt\Acl\Models\Permission           |
| Person        | Konekt\Address\Contracts\Person           | Konekt\Address\Models\Person           |
| Profile       | Konekt\User\Contracts\Profile             | Konekt\User\Models\Profile             |
| Province      | Konekt\Address\Contracts\Province         | Konekt\Address\Models\Province         |
| Role          | Konekt\Acl\Contracts\Role                 | Konekt\Acl\Models\Role                 |
| User          | Konekt\User\Contracts\User                | Konekt\AppShell\Models\User            |

These models can be customized/replaced by your application.

See this complete reference about how to use custom models in your application on

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