AppShell Configuration

AppShell ships with a series of configuration options to improve the interoperability with your application and to enable customization.

The easiest way to set configuration values is to pass them directly in config/concord.php:

return [
    'modules' => [
        Konekt\AppShell\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider::class => [
            'breadcrumbs' => false, // to disable breadcrumbs feature            

Associate The User with Customer Configuration

This feature was added in v2.8

It is possible to assign users to customers on the user edit form. This feature is disabled by default.

To enable this feature, you need to change konekt.app_shell.ui.customer_selection_for_users configuration value. It can be set to:

  • true: in this case, it is possible to assign a customer to any type of user.
  • array: set the user types to allow customer selection for.


return [
    'modules' => [
        Konekt\AppShell\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider::class => [
            'ui' => [
                'customer_selection_for_users' => ['client', 'api'], // Enable for `client` and `api` types of users

Allow customer selection for certain user types only

Disable Parts

You can disable the following features, by setting their respective keys to true:

Feature Config Key Effect
Commands konekt.appshell.disable.commands The AppShell console commands wont be registered with Artisan
Login Counter konekt.appshell.disable.login_counter The login_count and last_login_at fields of the user won't be updated on login
Paginator Style konekt.appshell.disable.paginator_style The Laravel Paginator style won't be set to Bootstrap 4

Auth Route Names

AppShell's default theme comes with default views for login, reset password and registration. These views are the themed versions of the same views in default Laravel installation.

These views rely on a few named routes. These routes typically exist in most Laravel applications. They are generated by Laravel's auth scaffolding, but these routes may or may not be present in your application.

Additionally, this functionality (Auth::routes(), artisan make:auth) was deprecated with Laravel 6 and has been removed from Laravel 7 and moved to the laravel/ui composer package.

To change the names of these routes, configure these values:

// config/concord.php
return [
    'modules' => [
        Konekt\AppShell\Providers\ModuleServiceProvider::class => [
            'ui' => [
                'routes' => [
                    'login'            => 'login_route', // The `login_route` must be defined with Route::get(...)
                    'logout'           => 'app.custom.logout_route',
                    'register'         => 'app.custom.register_route',
                    'password.request' => 'app.custom.password_request_route',
                    ''   => 'app.custom.password_email_route',

The routes are used in the following views:

Route Name HTTP Method Description Used By
login GET The app's login URL - login.blade.php
- register.blade.php
logout POST The app's logout URL - _header.blade.php
password.request GET Displays the password reset page - login.blade.php GET Sends the password reset link - email.blade.php
password.request POST Submits the password reset request - reset.blade.php

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