Link Widget

The link can be used to display a link. It is the extension of the Text Widget therefore text widget options can be used for rendering links.


The most simple way to render a link is the usage of a static text and url:

$link = Widgets::make('link', ['url' => '']);

$link->render('Gmail Alternative with Privacy');
// <a href="">Gmail Alternative with Privacy</a>

Based on Model Fields

It is possible to use the $model.field notation:

$link = Widgets::make('link', ['text' => '$model.title', 'url' => '$']);

$document = Document::create(['title' => 'Users Guide', 'link' => '']);
// <a href="">Users Guide</a>

Using Named Routes

It is possible to use Laravel named routes and pass route parameters

$link = Widgets::make('link', [
    'text' => '$',
    'url' => [
        'route' => 'admin.users.edit',
        'parameters' => ['$model'],

$user = User::find(1);
// <a href="https://localhost/users/edit/1">Joe Bloggs</a>

Resolving URLs via Laravel

It is possible to pass the link through Laravel's url() helper:

$link = Widgets::make('link', [
    'text' => '$',
    'url' => [
        'path' => '/show/user',
        'parameters' => ['$'],

$user = User::find(1);
// <a href="https://localhost/users/show/1">Joe Bloggs</a>

The model can also be an array:

$link = Widgets::make('link', ['text' => '$model.caption', 'url' => '$model.path']);
$data = ['caption' => 'Imbox', 'url' => ''];
// <a href="">Imbox</a>

HTML Tweaks

The inner text of the link can be configured the same way as the text widgets.

It is possible to define a wrapper html tag:

$link = Widgets::make('link', [
    'text' => [
        'text' => 'Signal',
        'wrap' => 'span',
    'url' => '',

// <a href=""><span>Signal</span></a>

Classes can also be added to the inner text:

$link = Widgets::make('link', [
    'text' => [
        'text' => 'Signal',
        'wrap' => 'span',
        'class' => 'text-muted',
    'url' => '',

// <a href=""><span class="text-muted">Signal</span></a>

Conditional Links

It is possible to only render links on if and can conditions.

OnlyIf Conditions

It is possible to pass a closure that determines

$link = Widgets::make('link', [
    'text' => '$model.title',
    'url' => [
        'route' => 'app.absence.edit',
        'parameters' => ['$model'],
    'onlyIf' => fn ($absence) => $absence->user_id === auth()->id(),

Calling the render method of the link widget above with a given model will only render the link if the closure returns true:

$myabsence = Absence::find(123);
// <a href="http://localhost/absence/edit/123">My Absence</a>
$notMyAbsence = Absence::find(444);
//Title of the absence without link

OnlyIfCan Conditions

It is possible to only render links if they are allowed by the Laravel Authorization subsystem ie. the can() method:

$link = Widgets::make('link', [
    'text' => 'Customers',
    'url' => 'https://app.url/customers',
    'onlyIfCan' => 'view customers'

If the Auth::user()->can('view customers') method returns true, the link will be rendered. If not, then only the text, without the link.